
Andy's picture

Gear 2D Prototype

gear2d prototype

Following the circle involute blog, I thought about creating a gear procedure for easy creation of different gears. The method used is quite differnt to the involute idea but the turtle geometry way of thinking and doing the gears. This prototype procedure utilised a simple regular poygon formula (repeat :sides [ fd 1 rt 360/:sides ]) and some built-in commands such as TOWARD and SETHEADING to rotate the turtle and get the directions needed.

Andy's picture

Palm Tree Leaf

Palm tree leaf

Outsite my office window, there are many palm trees. I thought about making one so it may be reused later to make a full tree.

aplesch's picture

circle involute

As part of a project to make a nice gear mesh with logo, I wondered how to generate the involute of a circle.

aplesch's picture

Flying Boxes

A surprise happened when I was trying to use nested transforms.

aplesch's picture

A paper dragon

a dragon


The dragon curve is a fractal which is defined by replacing a segment of the curve with a (smaller) version of itself.

Andy's picture

Another Tetrahedron


Thanks to Knoblauch who created the Tetrahedron blog in VRMath2 Community. She demonstrated two methods to create a tetrahedron. Here I present another way to construct a tetrahedron using VRMath2 Editor. This is a generic way utilising the dihedral angles in 3D shapes. By this, many of the classical geometric solids such as those listed in this challenge can be easily created.

Andy's picture

Ripple wave

Ripple test

This is my first water ripple experiment. I found a function on Youtube and had a quick experiment. The ripple effect is not perfect but could be a good start for whoever is interested to refine it.

Andy's picture

Mathematics, Programming and STEM

MERGA38 Presentation

This is my first attemp to create a 3D virtual world for a conference presentation. This presentation is for my paper titled "Mathematics, Programming and STEM" published in MERGA 38 conference proceedings.

Andy's picture

Bouncing spring

Bouncing Spring

Bouncing is fun. A spring has potential (elastic?) energy that has many uses in our life. Can you think of any uses? I just had a front suspesion replace in my old car. There are two big springs (or perhaps 4, I did not check back wheels) on top of the two front wheels. The two springs make sitting in the car comfortable by obsorbing forces and only bouncing slightly when driving (on rocky road).

Andy's picture

Interactive Earth Cross Section

Earth Cross Section 2

This is a slightly improve Earth Cross Section model of the previous one, with added animation and some interaction. Previously, the focus was on using VRMath2 Editor to construct the model. This time, the focus is on the learning about the Earth's geo structure. This is one of the main purpose of VRMath2 as a learning community for all to create, share, discuss and learn.