Command Index

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VRMath 1.0 Command Index

All commands are ordered alphabetically, click on command for explanations.

See also: Command Library page.

Symbol A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


= : equal to
> : greater than
< : less than
>= : greater than or equal to
<= : less than or equal to
+ : add
- : minus
* : multiply
/ : divide


ABS : returns the absolute value of the argument
ALLOF : returns true if all its arguments are true, same as AND
ALLOPEN : returns a list whose members are the streamids of all open streams
AND : returns true if all its arguments are true, same as ALLOF
ANYOF : returns true if any of its arguments are true, same as OR
APPLY : parses the given list as a lambda list, and executes it
APPLYRESULT : parses the first argument as a lambda list, and executes it
ARCCOS : returns the inverse cosine of the argument in degrees
ARCSIN : returns the inverse sine of the argument in degrees
ARCTAN : returns the inverse tangent of the argument in degrees
ARCTAN2 : returns the inverse tangent of argument 1/argument 2, in degrees
ASCII : returns the ascii value of the given character as an integer
ASHIFT : shifts the bits of the first number left by the second number


BACK : the turtle moves back, same as BK, BACKWARD
BACKWARD : the turtle moves back, same as BACK, BK
BALL : create a sphere, same as SPHERE
BEFORE? : returns "TRUE if the first argument comes before the second in lexical order, same as BEFOREP
BEFOREP : returns "TRUE if the first argument comes before the second in lexical order, same as BEFORE?
BF : return the given Logo List without its first element, same as BUTFIRST
BITAND : returns the bitwise and of the arguments
BITNOT : returns the bitwise not of the argument
BITOR : returns the bitwise or of the arguments
BITXOR : returns the bitwise exclusive or of the arguments
BK : the turtle moves back, same as BACK, BACKWARD
BL : return the given Logo List without its last element, same as BUTLAST
BOX : create a cube, same as CUBE
BUTFIRST : return the given Logo List without its first element, same as BF
BUTLAST : return the given Logo List without its last element, same as BL


CAN : create a cylinder, same as CYLINDER
CATCH : error handling primitive
CENTIMETER : set centimeter as the distance unit, same as CM
CHAR : returns a character whose ascii value is the given integer
CLEAN : clean all objects in 3D space
CLEARSCREEN : clean all objects in 3D space and bring the turtle HOME, same as CS
CLOSE : closes the specified stream
CLOSEALL : closes all open streams except for the console
CM : set centimeter as the distance unit, same as CENTIMETER
COLOR : return the current pen color index
CONE : create a cone
CONTENTS : return a three-element list
COS : returns the cosine of the argument in degrees
CUBE : create a cube, same as BOX
CYLINDER : create a cylinder, same as CAN
CS : clean all objects in 3D space and bring the turtle HOME, same as CLEARSCREEN


DEFINE : defines a procedure with the given name
DEFINED? : returns "TRUE if the given name is the name of a user-defined procedure, either a normal procedure or a macro procedure, same as DEFINEDP
DEFINEDP : returns "TRUE if the given name is the name of a user-defined procedure, either a normal procedure or a macro procedure, same as DEFINED?
DIFFERENCE : returns the difference of the arguments
DISTANCETO : return the distance between turtle and the given List [x, y, z] containing x, y, and z coordinates
DISTANCETOXYZ return the distance between turtle and the given x, y, and z coordinates
DN : move the turtle down towards the ground, same as DOWN
DO.UNTIL : flow control
DO.WHILE : flow control
DOWN : the turtle down moves towards the ground, same as DN


EAST : the turtle moves towards east
EDIT : attempts to open the procedure with the given name in the Logo procedure editor
EMPTY? : returns "TRUE if the argument is the empty word or the empty list, or "FALSE if it is not, same as EMPTYP
EMPTYP : returns "TRUE if the argument is the empty word or the empty list, or "FALSE if it is not, same as EMPTY?
EOF? : returns whether the end-of-stream has been reached, same as EOFP
EOFP : returns whether the end-of-stream has been reached, same as EOF?
EQUAL? : returns true if and only if the arguments are equal, same as EQUALP
EQUALP : returns true if and only if the arguments are equal, same as EQUAL?
ERALL : erases the entire contents of the workspace, including all procedures, variables and content lists
ERASE : erases the procedures, global variables, and property lists specified by the given content list
ERASENAME : deletes the global variables specified by the given names, same as ERN
ERASEPLIST : completely deletes the specified lists, same as ERPL
ERASEPROCEDURE : erases the procedures with the given names
ERN : deletes the global variables specified by the given names, same as ERN
ERP : erases the procedures with the given names
ERPL : completely deletes the specified lists, same as ERASEPLIST
EXP : returns the constant e raised to the power of the argument


FACE : set pen type to face
FD : the turtle moves forward, same as FORWARD
FOR : loop primitive
FOREACH : parses the last argument as a lambda list...
FORWARD : the turtle moves forward, same as FD
FALSE : boolean value false
FIRST : return the first element of the given List
FPUT : insert the given element into the first position of the given List


GC : forces a run of the garbage collector
GENSYM : generates and returns a unique symbol of the form ".n" where n is a unique positive integer
GETAI : return the value of ambient intensity, same as GETAMBIENTINTENSITY
GETAMBIENTINTENSITY : return the value of ambient intensity, same as GETAI
GETB : return the blue value of pen color, same as GETBLUE
GETBLUE : return the blue value of pen color, same as GETB
GETCA : return the value of crease angle for FACE, same as GETCREASEANGLE
GETCREASEANGLE : return the value of crease angle for FACE, same as GETCA
GETDC : return the diffuse color in a List [r, g, b], same as GETDIFFUSECOLOR
GETDIFFUSECOLOR : return the diffuse color in a List [r, g, b], same as GETDC
GETEC : return the emissive color in a List [r, g, b], same as GETEMISSIVECOLOR
GETEMISSIVECOLOR : return the emissive color in a List [r, g, b], same as GETEC
GETG : return the green value of pen color, same as GETGREEN
GETGREEN : return the green value of pen color, same as GETG
GETPC : return the pen color in a List [r, g, b], same as GETPENCOLOR, GETRGB
GETPENCOLOR return the pen color in a List [r, g, b], same as GETPC, GETRGB
GETPOS : return the turtle's position in a List [x, y, z], same as GETXYZ, POS
GETR : return the red value of pen color, same as GETRED
GETRED : return the red value of pen color, same as GETR
GETRGB : return the pen color in a List [r, g, b], same as GETPC, GETPENCOLOR
GETSC : return the specular color in a List [r, g, b], same as GETSPECULARCOLOR
GETSH : return the value of shininess, same as GETSHININESS
GETSHININESS return the value of shininess, same as GETSHININESS
GETSPECULARCOLOR: return the specular color in a List [r, g, b], same as GETSC
GETTR : return the value of transparency, same as GETTRANSPARENCY
GETTRANSPARENCY : return the value of transparency, same as GETTR
GETX : return the x coordinate of the turtle, same as XCOR
GETXYZ : return the turtle's position in a List [x, y, z], same as GETPOS, POS
GETY : return the y coordinate of the turtle, same as YCOR
GETZ : return the z coordinate of the turtle, same as ZCOR
GPROP : returns the value of the specified property of the specified list
GREATER? : returns true if and only if first argument is numerically greater than second argument, same as GREATERP
GREATEREQUAL? : returns true if and only if first argument is numerically greater than or equal to second argument, same as GREATEREQUALP
GREATEREQUALP : returns true if and only if first argument is numerically greater than or equal to second argument, same as GREATEREQUAL?
GREATERP : returns true if and only if first argument is numerically greater than second argument, same as GREATER?


HELP : display the Command Library page
HIDETURTLE : hide the turtle in 3D space, same as HT
HOME : reset turtle's position (0,0,0) and orientation (heading north, back to sky).
HT : hide the turtle in 3D space, same as HIDETURTLE


IF : if condition flow control
IFELSE : if else flow control
IFF : if false, to be used with TEST, same as IFFALSE
IFFALSE : if false, to be used with TEST, same as IFF
IFT : if true, to be used with TEST, same as IFTRUE
IFTRUE : if true, to be used with TEST, same as IFT
IGNORE : takes one argument and does nothing with it
INTEGER : returns the integer portion of the argument
INVOKE : parses the given list as a lambda list, and executes it
INVOKERESULT : parses the first argument as a lambda list, and executes it
ITEM : returns the num'th element of the second argument


JB : the turtle jumps back, same as JUMPBACK, JUMPBACKWARD
JD : the turtle jumps down, same as JUMPDOWN
JE : the turtle jumps east, same as JUMPEAST
JF : the turtle jumps forward, same as JUMPFORWARD, JUMPFORTH
JH : the turtle jumps home, same as JUMPHOME
JN : the turtle jumps north, same as JUMPNORTH
JP : the turtle jumps position in a List [x, y, z], same as JPOS, JUMPPOS
JPOS : the turtle jumps position in a List [x, y, z], same as JP, JUMPPOS
JS : the turtle jumps south, same as JUMPSOUTH
JU : the turtle jumps up, same as JUMPUP
JUMPBACK : the turtle jumps back, same as JUMPBACKWARD, JB
JUMPBACKWARD : the turtle jumps back, same as JB, JUMPBACK
JUMPDOWN : the turtle jumps down, same as JD
JUMPEAST : the turtle jumps east, same as JE
JUMPFORTH : the turtle jumps forward, same as JF, JUMPFORWARD
JUMPFORWARD : the turtle jumps forward, same as JF, JUMPFORTH
JUMPHOME : the turtle jumps home, same as JH
JUMPNORTH : the turtle jumps north, same as JN
JUMPPOS : the turtle jumps position in a List [x, y, z], same as JP, JPOS, JUMPXYZ
JUMPSOUTH : the turtle jumps south, same as JS
JUMPUP : the turtle jumps up, same as JU
JUMPWEST : the turtle jumps west, same as JW
JUMPX : the turtle jumps to x coordinate, same as JX
JUMPXYZ : the turtle jumps to x, y, and z coordinate, same as JXYZ
JUMPY : the turtle jumps to y coordinate, same as JY
JUMPZ : the turtle jumps to z coordinate, same as JZ
JW : the turtle jumps west, same as JUMPWEST
JX : the turtle jumps to x coordinate, same as JUMPX
JXYZ : the turtle jumps to x, y, and z coordinate, same as JUMPXYZ
JY : the turtle jumps to y coordinate, same as JUMPY
JZ : the turtle jumps to z coordinate, same as JUMPZ


KEY? : returns whether a character is available on the stream and can be read without blocking, same as KEYP
KEYP : returns whether a character is available on the stream and can be read without blocking, same as KEY?


LABEL : create a label in 3D space
LAST : return the last element in the given List
LEFT : the turtle turns left, same as LT
LENGTH : return the length of the given Word, or element count of the given List
LESS? : returns true if and only if first argument is numerically less than second argument, same as LESSP
LESSEQUAL? : returns true if and only if first argument is numerically less than or equal to second argument, same as LESSEQUALP
LESSEQUALP : returns true if and only if first argument is numerically less than or equal to second argument, same as LESSEQUAL?
LESSP : returns true if and only if first argument is numerically less than second argument, same as LESS?
LINE : set pen style to line
LIST : creates a new list in which the given arguments are the members
LIST? : returns "TRUE if the argument is a list, or "FALSE if it is a word, same as LISTP
LISTP : returns "TRUE if the argument is a list, or "FALSE if it is a word, same as LIST?
LOCAL : declares one or more variable names as local to the current procedure
LOCALMAKE : declares the given variable as local to the current procedure, and initializes it at the same time
LOG : returns the natural logarithm (log to the base e) of the argument
LOWERCASE : returns the given argument with all letters converted to lower case
LPUT : insert the given element into the end of the given List 
LSHIFT : shifts the bits of the first number left by the second number
LT : the turtle turns left, same as LEFT


MAP : parses the first argument as a lambda list, and executes it...
MACRO? : returns "TRUE if the given name is the name of a user-defined macro procedure, same as MACROP
MACROP : returns "TRUE if the given name is the name of a user-defined macro procedure, same as MACRO?
MAKE : sets the variable identified by the given name to the value returned by the given expression
MEMBER? : returns "TRUE if the first argument is a member of the second argument, or "FALSE if it is not, same as MEMBERP
MEMBERP : returns "TRUE if the first argument is a member of the second argument, or "FALSE if it is not, same as MEMBER?
METER : set meter as the distance unit
MINUS : returns the negation of the argument


NAME : sets the variable identified by the given name to the value returned by the given expression
NAME? : returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable with the given name has been declared, same as NAMEP
NAMEP : returns a boolean value indicating whether a variable with the given name has been declared, same as NAME?
NAMES : returns a content list that includes all global variables currently in the workspace
NC : move the color index to next color, same as NEXTCOLOR
NEXTCOLOR : move the color index to next color, same as NC
NORTH : the turtle moves towards north
NOT : returns the logical opposite of the argument
NUMBER? : returns "TRUE if the argument is a number, or "FALSE if it is a list or a non-numeric word, same as NUMBERP
NUMBERP : returns "TRUE if the argument is a number, or "FALSE if it is a list or a non-numeric word, same as NUMBER?


OP : causes the innermost executing procedure to stop execution and produce as a return value the given expression, same as OUTPUT
OR : returns true if any of its arguments are true, same as ANYOF
OUTPUT : causes the innermost executing procedure to stop execution and produce as a return value the given expression, same as OP


PALETTE : returns the rgblist associated with the given color name
PALETTE? : returns "TRUE if the given name is in the color palette, same as PALETTEP
PALETTEP : returns "TRUE if the given name is in the color palette, same as PALETTE?
PARSE : parses the given word as a list and returns the new list
PCON : use pen color for face object, same as PENCOLORON
PCOFF : use material settings instead of pen color for face object, same as PENCOLOROFF
PD : pen down, start recording turtle tracks, same as PENDOWN
PE : pen erase, undo one movement in pen down object, same as PENERASE
PENCOLORON : use pen color for face object, same as PCON
PENCOLOROFF : use material settings instead of pen color for face object, same as PCOFF
PENERASE : pen erase, undo one movement in pen down object, same as PE
PENDOWN : pen down, start recording turtle tracks, same as PD
PENUP : pen up, end of recording turtle tracks, same as PU
PI : return the value of π
PICK : randomly pick up one char/element in a Word/List
PLISTS : returns a content list that includes all property lists currently in the workspace
PO : dumps the text of the procedures, global variables, and property lists specified by the given content list to the current writer, same as PRINTOUT
POALL : dumps the entire contents of the workspace, including all procedures, variables and content lists, to the current writer
POINT : set pen style to point for pen down object
PON : dumps the contents of the global variables specified by the given names to the current writer, same as PRINTOUTNAME
POP : dumps the contents of the procedures with the given names to the current writer, same as PRINTOUTPROCEDURE
POPL : dumps the contents of the specified lists to the current writer, same as PRINTOUTPLIST
POS : return the turtle's position in a List [x, y, z], same as GETPOS, GETXYZ
POWER : returns first argument raised to the power of second argument
PPROP : sets the specified property of the specified list to the specified value
PR : sends a string representation of the argument to the current writer, followed by an end-of-line, same as PRINT
PRIMITIVE? : returns "TRUE if the given name is the name of a primitive, same as PRIMITIVEP
PRIMITIVEP : returns "TRUE if the given name is the name of a primitive, same as PRIMITIVE?
PRINT : sends a string representation of the argument to the current writer, followed by an end-of-line, same as PR
PRINT1 : sends a string representation of the argument to the current writer, but does NOT follow it with an end-of-line, same as TYPE
PRINTOUT : dumps the text of the procedures, global variables, and property lists specified by the given content list to the current writer, same as PO
PRINTOUTNAME : dumps the contents of the global variables specified by the given names to the current writer, same as PON
PRINTOUTPLIST : dumps the contents of the specified lists to the current writer, same as POPL
PRINTOUTPROCEDURE : dumps the contents of the procedures with the given names to the current writer, same as POP
PROCEDURE? : returns "TRUE if the given name is the name of a procedure, either primitive or user-defined, same as PROCEDUREP
PROCEDUREP : returns "TRUE if the given name is the name of a procedure, either primitive or user-defined, same as PROCEDURE?
PROCEDURES : returns a content list that includes all procedures currently in the workspace, but no variables or property lists
PRODUCT : returns the product of the arguments
PU : pen up, end of recording turtle tracks, same as PENUP


QSORT : sorts the given list using the QuickSort algorithm
QUOTIENT : returns the quotient


RADARCCOS : returns the inverse cosine of the argument in radians
RADARCSIN : returns the inverse sine of the argument in radians
RADARCTAN : returns the inverse tangent of the argument in radians
RADARCTAN2 : returns the inverse tangent of argument 1/argument 2, in radians
RADCOS : returns the cosine of the argument in radians
RADSIN : returns the sine of the argument in radians
RADTAN : returns the tangent of the argument in radians
RANDOM : returns a pseudo-random integer between 0 and the given argument minus 1
RANDOMIZE : sets the seed for sequence of pseudo-random numbers to be returned by subsequent calls to RANDOM, same as RERANDOM
RC : reads one byte from the current reader, and returns a word consisting of that byte, same as READCHARACTER 
RD : the turtle's head turns down and bottom up, same as ROLLDOWN
READCHARACTER : reads one byte from the current reader, and returns a word consisting of that byte, same as RC
READER : returns the streamid of the current reader
READLIST : reads from the current reader until it encounters an end-of-line, same as RL
READWORD : reads from the current reader until it encounters an end-of-line, same as RW
REDO : redo the last undo action
REMAINDER : returns the remainder
REMPROP : removes the specified property of the specified list
REPCOUNT : evaluates to the current iteration number in the innermost repeat loop
REPEAT : loop primitive can execute a set of commands repeatedly
RERANDOM : sets the seed for sequence of pseudo-random numbers to be returned by subsequent calls to RANDOM, same as RANDOMIZE
RESET : reset default values of VRMath
RESETPALETTE : sets the color palette to its default
RIGHT : the turtle turns right, same as RT
RL : reads from the current reader until it encounters an end-of-line, same as READLIST
ROLLDOWN : the turtle's head turns down and bottom up, same as RD
ROLLUP : the turtle's head turns up and bottom down, same as RU
ROUND : rounds the argument to the nearest integer
RT : the turtle turns right, same as RIGHT
RU : the turtle's head turns up and bottom down, same as ROLLUP
RUN : parses the given list as a sequence of Logo commands, and executes them
RUNRESULT : parses the given list as a sequence of Logo commands, and executes them
RW : reads from the current reader until it encounters an end-of-line, same as READWORD


SCALE : set scale x, y, z
SCALE? : return scale value in a List [xsacle, yscale, zscale], same as SCALEP
SCALED : set scale depth (z), same as SCALEZ, SCALEDEPTH
SCALED? : return the value of z scale, same as SCALEDP, SCALEZ?, SCALEZP, SCALEDEPTH?, SCALEDEPTHP
SCALEDEPTH : set scale depth (z), same as SCALEZ, SCALED
SCALEDEPTH? : return the value of z scale, same as SCALED?, SCALEDP, SCALEZ?, SCALEZP, SCALEDEPTHP
SCALEDEPTHP : return the value of z scale, same as SCALED?, SCALEDP, SCALEZ?, SCALEZP, SCALEDEPTH?
SCALEDP : return the value of z scale, same as SCALED?, SCALED?, SCALEZ?, SCALEZP, SCALEDEPTH?
SCALEH : set scale height (y), same as SCALEY, SCALEHEIGHT
SCALEH? : return the value of y scale, same as SCALEHP, SCALEY?, SCALEYP, SCALEHEIGHT?, SCALEHEIGHTP
SCALEHEIGHT : set scale height (y), same as SCALEY, SCALEH
SCALEHEIGHT? : return the value of y scale, same as SCALEHP, SCALEY?, SCALEYP, SCALEH?, SCALEHEIGHTP
SCALEHEIGHTP : return the value of y scale, same as SCALEHP, SCALEY?, SCALEYP, SCALEHEIGHT?, SCALEH?
SCALEHP : return the value of y scale, same as SCALEH?, SCALEY?, SCALEYP, SCALEHEIGHT?, SCALEHEIGHTP
SCALEP : return scale value in a List [xscale, yscale, zscale], same as SCALE?
SCALEW : set scale width (x), same as SCALEX, SCALEWIDTH
SCALEW? : return the value of x scale, same as SCALEWP, SCALEX?, SCALEXP, SCALEWIDTH?, SCALEWIDTHP
SCALEWIDTH : set scale width (x), same as SCALEX, SCALEW
SCALEWIDTH? : return the value of x scale, same as SCALEWP, SCALEX?, SCALEXP, SCALEW?, SCALEWIDTHP
SCALEWIDTHP : return the value of x scale, same as SCALEWP, SCALEX?, SCALEXP, SCALEWIDTH?, SCALEW?
SCALEWP : return the value of x scale, same as SCALEW?, SCALEX?, SCALEXP, SCALEWIDTH?, SCALEWIDTHP
SCALEX : set scale width (x), same as SCALEW, SCALEWIDTH
SCALEX? : return the value of x scale, same as SCALEWP, SCALEW?, SCALEXP, SCALEWIDTH?, SCALEWIDTHP
SCALEXP : return the value of x scale, same as SCALEWP, SCALEX?, SCALEW?, SCALEWIDTH?, SCALEWIDTHP
SCALEY : set scale height (y), same as SCALEH, SCALEHEIGHT
SCALEY? : return the value of y scale, same as SCALEHP, SCALEH?, SCALEYP, SCALEHEIGHT?, SCALEHEIGHTP
SCALEYP : return the value of y scale, same as SCALEHP, SCALEY?, SCALEH?, SCALEHEIGHT?, SCALEHEIGHTP
SCALEZ : set scale depth (z), same as SCALED, SCALEDEPTH
SCALEZ? : return the value of z scale, same as SCALEDP, SCALED?, SCALEZP, SCALEDEPTH?, SCALEDEPTHP
SCALEZP : return the value of z scale, same as SCALEDP, SCALEZ?, SCALED?, SCALEDEPTH?, SCALEDEPTHP
SE : creates a new list by concatenating the arguments, same as SENTENCE
SENTENCE : creates a new list by concatenating the arguments, same as SE
SETAI : set the value of ambient intensity, same as SETAMBIENTINTENSITY
SETAMBIENTINTENSITY : set  the value of ambient intensity, same as SETAI
SETB : set the blue value of pen color, same as SETBLUE
SETBLUE : set the blue value of pen color, same as SETB
SETCA : set the value of crease angle for face object, same as SETCREASEANGLE
SETCREASEANGLE : set the value of crease angle for face object, same as SETCA
SETDC : set the diffuse color, same as SETDIFFUSECOLOR
SETDIFFUSECOLOR : set the diffuse color, same as SETDC
SETEC : set the emissive color, same as SETEMISSIVECOLOR
SETEMISSIVECOLOR : set the emissive color, same as SETEC
SETFF : set font family, same as SETFONTFAMILY
SETFH : set font horizontal, same as SETFONTHORIZONTAL
SETFJ : set font justify, same as SETFONTJUSTIFY
SETFL : set font left to right, same as SETFONTLEFTTORIGHT
SETFONTFAMILY : set font family, same as SETFF
SETFONTHORIZONTAL : set font horizontal, same as SETFH
SETFONTJUSTIFY : set font justify, same as SETFJ
SETFONTLEFTTORIGHT : set font left to right, same as SETFL
SETFONTSTYLE : set font style, same as SETFS
SETFONTTOPTOBOTTOM : set font top to bottom, same as SETFT
SETFS : set font style, same as SETFONTSTYLE
SETFT : set font top to bottom, same as SETFONTTOPTOBOTTOM
SETG : set the green value of pen color, same as SETGREEN
SETGREEN : set the green value of pen color, same as SETG
SETPALETTE : associates the given color name with the given rgblist
SETPC : set pen color index or color in a List [r, g, b], same as SETPENCOLOR
SETPENCOLOR : set pen color index or color in a List [r, g, b], same as SETPC
SETPOS : set the turtle's position in a List [x, y, z]
SETR : set the red value of pen color, same as SETRED
SETREAD : makes the specified stream the current reader
SETRED : set the red value of pen color, same as SETR
SETRGB : set the pen color with r, g, b. 
SETSC : set the specular color, same as SETSPECULARCOLOR
SETSH : set the value of shininess, same as SETSHININESS
SETSHININESS : set the value of shininess, same as SETSH
SETSPECULARCOLOR : set the specular color, same as SETSC
SETSTREAMPOS : sets the current position of the read/write head in the specified stream to the specified value
SETTR : set the value of transparency, same as SETTRANSPARENCY
SETTRANSPARENCY : set the value of transparency, same as SETTR
SETWAIT : set the turtle wait in mini-seconds for every turtle move and turn.
SETWRITE : makes the specified stream the current writer
SETX : set x coordinate for the turtle
SETXYZ : set x, y, z coordinate for the turtle's position
SETY : set y coordinate for the turtle
SETZ : set z coordinate for the turtle
SHOW : sends a string representation of the argument to the current writer, followed by an end-of-line
SHOW1 : sends a string representation of the argument to the current writer, but does NOT follow it with an end-of-line
SHOWTURTLE : show the turtle in 3D space, same as ST
SIN : returns the sine of the argument in degrees
SOUTH : the turtle moves towards south
SPHERE : create a sphere, same as BALL
SQRT : returns the square root of the argument
ST : show the turtle in 3D space, same as SHOWTURTLE
STOP : causes the innermost executing procedure to stop execution and not generate a return value
STREAMRANDOM? : returns a boolean value denoting whether the specified stream is random-access, same as STREAMRANDOMP
STREAMRANDOMP : returns a boolean value denoting whether the specified stream is random-access, same as STREAMRANDOM?
STREAMKIND : returns the type of the specified stream
STREAMLENGTH : returns the length of the specified stream
STREAMNAME : returns the filename associated with the specified stream
STREAMPOS : returns the current position of the read/write head in the specified stream
SUM : returns the sum of the arguments


TAN : returns the tangent of the argument in degrees
TEST : sets the current test value, which is used in subsequent IFTRUE and IFFALSE commands
TEXT : returns lambda list describing the procedure with the given name
THING : returns the value of the variable specified by the given name
THROW : error handling primitive
TILTLEFT : the turtle turns left side down and right side up, same as TL
TILTRIGHT : the turtle turns left side up and right side down, same as TR
TL : the turtle turns left side down and right side up, same as TILTLEFT
TO : enters an interactive mode in which you can define a normal procedure from the console command line
TOMACRO : enters an interactive mode in which you can define a macro procedure from the console command line
TOPLEVEL : causes all interpreter activity to cease, and control to be given back to the Logo console
TR : the turtle turns left side up and right side down, same as TILTRIGHT
TRUE : boolean value true
TRY : error handling primitive
TYPE : sends a string representation of the argument to the current writer, but does NOT follow it with an end-of-line, same as PRINT1


UNDO : undo one object in 3D space
UNSETPALETTE : disassociates the given color name, removing it from the palette
UNTIL : flow control 
UP : the turtle moves towards the sky
UPPERCASE : returns the given argument with all letters converted to upper case




WAIT : causes the current thread to pause for the given amount of time, measured in milliseconds
WEST : the turtle moves towards west
WHILE : flow control
WORD : concatenates the given arguments as words
WORD? : returns "TRUE if the argument is a word, or "FALSE if it is a list, same as WORDP
WORDP : returns "TRUE if the argument is a word, or "FALSE if it is a list, same as WORD?
WRITER : returns the streamid of the current writer


XCOR : return the turtle's x coordinate, same as GETX


YCOR : return the turtle's y coordinate, same as GETY


ZCOR : return the turtle's z coordinate, same as GETZ