
Knoblauch's picture



Dodecahedron is one of the five Platonic Solids. It consists of

  • 12 faces (congruent pentagons)
  • 30 edges
  • 20 vertices (the meeting of 3 faces)

Andy's picture

Vika Byske Table

Vika Byske Table

There are many design challenges set in the Furniture Visualisation Challenges page. I am very happy to be the first one to take on the first challenge. 

I chose the first furniture (Vika Byske Table) from the design challeges page. Because the dimemsions were already provided, there was no need to design this table. All I need was to follow the dimemsions given and try to create in the VRMath2 Editor. 

Knoblauch's picture



Octahedron is the third platonic solid. It consists of 8 faces (each is an equilateral triangle) and 6 vertices (each at the meeting of 4 faces).

Knoblauch's picture



The tetrahedron has the smallest number of faces in the five Platonic Solids, having only 4 faces. And in fact, four faces are the minimium requirement for a polyhedron. Other features of tetrahedron includes:

  • Each face is an equilaterial triangle
  • Each vertex is the meeting of 3 faces

Andy's picture

Basic animation in VRMath2

Animating cube

Animation in VRMath2 is still in the development stage. I have created some Logo commands to achieve some basic animation. Animation in Logo can be very powerful because it is very easy to move the turtle around in 3D space and collect its position and orientation for animation.

Here is a basic introduction of animation in VRMath2. The whole animation framework will be revised and more GUI will be developed to enable easy creation of animations.